Carriage House Medical of Gresham, OR

Natural Treatment
for Anxiety and Depression

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Carriage House Medical of Gresham, OR

Natural Treatment
for Anxiety and Depression

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Depression and anxiety aren’t always just a reflection of external circumstances. Dr. Reid may be able to help through a natural treatment for anxiety and depression. If you are experiencing anxiety or depression, it may indicate underlying health issues which can be discovered through lab testing. A positive test for pyroluria, histadelia, and/or histapenia means that nutritional treatment for anxiety and depression is available, often through adjusting nutrition. Additionally, we can test for allergies, toxins, or nutritional deficiencies that may be exacerbating your symptoms. Natural treatment for anxiety and depression may be a simple set of tests away!

Learn more about conditions that may be exacerbating anxiety and depression



Pyroluria anxiety and depression comes from a genetic abnormality with hemoglobin metabolism. There are many symptoms of pyroluria, which is why this condition is often misdiagnosed. However, the pyroluria test is a simple, inexpensive urine test which measures levels of kryptopyrrole. This urinalysis is available from our office.

Once pyroluria is determined, treatment involves supplementing vitamin B6 and zinc at high enough levels to correct the imbalance. Additionally, patients who test positive for pyroluria must avoid fish oil, copper, and red & yellow food dyes.

This simple treatment should provide results anywhere within two days to two weeks – depending on the severity of pyroluria. Because pyroluria can be a genetic condition, supplementation must continue to avoid the return of symptoms.


Depression Anxiety
Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia
Mood swings Poor reaction to stress
Unexplained nausea Weak appetite in the morning
Hypoglycemia Panic attacks
Fatigue Tendency for addictive behavior
Poor dream recall Allergies
Joint pain Antisocial tendencies that worsen with age
Motion sickness Frequent infections


Pyroluria anxiety and depression comes from a genetic abnormality with hemoglobin metabolism. There are many symptoms of pyroluria, which is why this condition is often misdiagnosed. However, the pyroluria test is a simple, inexpensive urine test which measures levels of kryptopyrrole. This urinalysis is available from our office.

Once pyroluria is determined, treatment involves supplementing vitamin B6 and zinc at high enough levels to correct the imbalance. Additionally, patients who test positive for pyroluria must avoid fish oil, copper, and red & yellow food dyes.

This simple treatment should provide results anywhere within two days to two weeks – depending on the severity of pyroluria. Because pyroluria can be a genetic condition, supplementation must continue to avoid the return of symptoms.


  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Mood swings
  • Poor reaction to stress
  • Unexplained nausea
  • Weak appetite in the morning
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue
  • Tendency for addictive behavior
  • Poor dream recall
  • Allergies
  • Joint pain
  • Antisocial tendencies that worsen with age
  • Motion sickness
  • Frequent infections


Histadelia or “undermethylation” indicates high levels of histamine in the bloodstream and can be discovered through testing of the whole blood histamine level, folic acid, and basophil levels. There are histamine receptors all through the body, in the skin, lungs, blood vessels, and mucous membranes, so undermethylation treatment can benefit both emotional and physical symptoms.

High histamine can be caused by metabolic imbalances that result from many factors such as low vitamin B6 that acts as a cofactor to convert histidine to histamine, gut bacteria that cause elevated histamine, histamine from foods that you eat, estrogen levels (high estrogen will elevate histamine levels and high histamine can elevate estrogen levels) etc. It seems there is a lot more to histamine levels than just proper methylation.

Treatment for undermethylation revolves around utilizing natural methods to help histamine leave the body and support metabolism. This includes supplements such as methionine, calcium, and other supportive nutrients. It often takes three to six months to resolve this chemical imbalance. If treatment is discontinued, symptoms will return.



Depression Anxiety
Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia
Mood swings Poor reaction to stress
Unexplained nausea Weak appetite in the morning
Hypoglycemia Panic attacks
Fatigue Tendency for addictive behavior
Poor dream recall Allergies
Joint pain Antisocial tendencies that worsen with age
Motion sickness Frequent infections


Histadelia or “undermethylation” indicates high levels of histamine in the bloodstream and can be discovered through testing of the whole blood histamine level, folic acid, and basophil levels. There are histamine receptors all through the body, in the skin, lungs, blood vessels, and mucous membranes, so undermethylation treatment can benefit both emotional and physical symptoms.

High histamine can be caused by metabolic imbalances that result from many factors such as low vitamin B6 that acts as a cofactor to convert histidine to histamine, gut bacteria that cause elevated histamine, histamine from foods that you eat, estrogen levels (high estrogen will elevate histamine levels and high histamine can elevate estrogen levels) etc. It seems there is a lot more to histamine levels than just proper methylation.

Treatment for undermethylation revolves around utilizing natural methods to help histamine leave the body and support metabolism. This includes supplements such as methionine, calcium, and other supportive nutrients. It often takes three to six months to resolve this chemical imbalance. If treatment is discontinued, symptoms will return.


  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Mood swings
  • Poor reaction to stress
  • Unexplained nausea
  • Weak appetite in the morning
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue
  • Tendency for addictive behavior
  • Poor dream recall
  • Allergies
  • Joint pain
  • Antisocial tendencies that worsen with age
  • Motion sickness
  • Frequent infections


Histapenia or “overmethylation” indicates low blood histamine levels. This condition can cause an increase in the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, contributing to anxiety disorders. Histapenia can be diagnosed with a blood test, which we can administer here at the clinic.

Overmethylation can be treated naturally with nutritional supplementation. Treatment revolves around folic acid, niacin, B12, and a high protein diet. Once the patient has begun treatment, they should see a gradual improvement within two to four weeks, with full correction occurring over a period of several months. This condition is associated with a biological dependence on these nutrients, so if treatment is discontinued, symptoms will return.


Anxiety Nervousness
Social isolation Depression
Food & chemical sensitivities Panic attacks
Paranoia Learning disabilities
Academic underachievement Restless legs
Dry eyes Heavy body hair


Histapenia or “overmethylation” indicates low blood histamine levels. This condition can cause an increase in the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, contributing to anxiety disorders. Histapenia can be diagnosed with a blood test, which we can administer here at the clinic.

Overmethylation can be treated naturally with nutritional supplementation. Treatment revolves around folic acid, niacin, B12, and a high protein diet. Once the patient has begun treatment, they should see a gradual improvement within two to four weeks, with full correction occurring over a period of several months. This condition is associated with a biological dependence on these nutrients, so if treatment is discontinued, symptoms will return.


  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Social isolation
  • Depression
  • Food & chemical sensitivities
  • Panic attacks
  • Paranoia
  • Learning disabilities
  • Academic underachievement
  • Restless legs
  • Dry eyes
  • Heavy body hair

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The Nature of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are complex conditions, often intertwined, that can have profound effects on your mental, emotional, and physical health. They can manifest as persistent worry, low energy, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and a diminished sense of joy in life. These conditions not only impact your daily life but also take a toll on your overall health and quality of life.

Natural treatment for anxiety and depression from a certified naturopathic physician takes a comprehensive and individualized approach to health, addressing the root causes of anxiety and depression rather than merely managing symptoms. It views the body as an integrated whole, where the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. Here’s how naturopathic care can be a beacon of hope for those seeking natural solutions:

Personalized Assessments

Every individual is unique, and so are their experiences with anxiety and depression. We conduct thorough assessments, including detailed health histories and laboratory tests, to understand your specific needs and imbalances. This personalized approach guides the development of a tailored treatment plan.

Dietary Interventions

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in mental health. We will assess your diet and recommend dietary changes and supplements that support emotional well-being. For example, deficiencies in essential nutrients can contribute to mood imbalances.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to address anxiety and depression. If appropriate, Dr. Reid may prescribe natural medicines that have proven efficacy in reducing symptoms and promoting emotional balance.

Gut-Brain Connection

The gut-brain connection is a crucial consideration in naturopathic care. Imbalances in gut bacteria can affect mood and mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Naturopathic Care for Anxiety and Depression

Is naturopathic care effective for severe anxiety and depression?

Naturopathic care can be effective for a wide range of anxiety and depression severity levels. However, severe cases may require a multidisciplinary approach, including collaboration with mental health professionals. Naturopathic doctors can complement conventional treatments and offer natural solutions.

How long does it take to see results with naturopathic care?

The timeline for improvement varies from person to person. Some individuals experience relief within weeks, while others may require several months of consistent naturopathic care to notice significant changes. The key is patience and ongoing commitment to the treatment plan.

Are naturopathic treatments for anxiety and depression safe?

Naturopathic treatments are generally safe when prescribed by qualified naturopathic doctors. Like any medical intervention, there may be potential side effects or interactions with medications. It’s crucial to inform your naturopathic doctor of all medications and supplements you are taking to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Can naturopathic care be used alongside conventional treatments?

Yes, naturopathic care can complement conventional treatments for anxiety and depression. Naturopathic doctors often work collaboratively with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive and integrated care.

Is naturopathic care covered by insurance?

Carriage House Medicine is a “fee for service” practice. We do not bill your insurance company. However, we will provide you the paperwork with the proper coding so you may submit your bills to your insurance company. We do accept VISA, Mastercard, and your Health Savings Account (HSA) debit/credit card.

Coverage for naturopathic care varies by insurance provider. It’s advisable to check with your insurance company to determine whether naturopathic services are covered under your plan.

Empower Your Journey to Wellness

If you’re seeking natural and holistic solutions for anxiety and depression, Carriage House Medicine can provide the support and guidance you need to regain control of your mental and emotional well-being. Embrace the transformative power of naturopathic medicine and embark on a journey toward a happier, healthier, and more balanced life.

Carriage House Medicine Serves Gresham, Troutdale, Boring, Sandy, and Surrounding Areas